17th August 2021
Blyth Power Station
The Challenge
Blyth Power Station has long been an iconic building and landmark in the north east and now exciting new plans are afoot for the well-known location.
The 235-acre site has been purchased by BritishVolt who plan to turn the power station into the UK’s first ‘gigafactory’. The new plant will produce lithium-ion batteries for electric cars with production due to start as soon as 2023 and upwards of 3000 new jobs being created.
With plans for such extensive new building developments, as well as groundworks, it was vital to obtain expert advice from a company specialising in such surveys, ground boring and sampling.
The Solution
With years of experience behind them with similar projects, each with their own unique challenges, Rotadrill were able to step in and assist with this massive undertaking.
They were able to advise as to the scope of investigation required as well as deliver the proposed and agreed work.
Rotadrill used standard penetration testing (SPTs) to provide information about the geotechnical engineering properties throughout the proposed development site. Data obtained by SPT enables substrate identification and provides a measure of penetration resistance – vital to ensure safe and effective engineering on such projects.
Rotadrill were also brought in the consult on borehole drilling and provide the necessary services.